Apr 30, 2018
Apr 23, 2018
Apr 16, 2018
BT’s Head of HR CEE & Russia, Maria Grocz joins us and shares the history of the shared services center in Hungary. "10 years ago we started with a finance shared service center. It was a top down decision to set up a center in Hungary. We started in Budapest because this is the capital. It's relatively easy to...
Apr 9, 2018
UNICEF’s Budapest Global Shared Service Center's Chief Service Quality Management Luis Suarez joins us. He notes that he and the organization benchmark against the private sector. Luis shares that’s the comparison, the organization is still unique: "I remember one time, out of all the events, we had a group of...
Apr 2, 2018
From Amer Sports, Herve Hachet joins us, shares his background and how he’s changed since coming to Krakow. His first three years was focused mainly on managing a team and setting up the capabilities to build up the retention ground and operational pillars. Now the center, after five years, is stabilized. He’s...