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Sep 24, 2018

Sharath Gopinath of Bacradi joins us the importance of service tied to user experience: "Productivity and accuracy are correlated. If the users are not happy, you’re not getting the work done right, there’s high chances that the first point of failure is there. If that doesn’t happen, there’s no accuracy. So, if...

Sep 17, 2018

Yamir Lopez on Change Management Methodoligies: "It starts with the strategy. That's why I combine everything. There's a vision, a purpose of what I'm doing this, but not only what I'm doing. It's why I'm doing what I'm doing, and it all connects. Your customer perspective, financial perspective, everything is in the...

Sep 10, 2018

Edward Blackman joins us and takes us through the evolution of communication: "The conversation used to be, 'I'm from corporate, and I'm here to help,' It's an instant turnoff if you show up in the hospitals and the clinics; they can tend not to like that very much. You use that same approach anywhere else. Of course,...

Sep 3, 2018

Terry Jones joins us and shares the lessons learned throughout his career which began as a travel agent, "I spent 20 years at American Airlines ending as CIO. Then I started inside of American Airlines, was COO there for six years, took the company public for $1.2 billion. When the company was taken...