Nov 26, 2018
Bob Kupershoek joins us and shares the importance of collaborating and learning from IT: "I really recommend everybody to partner with IT, they have a lot of knowledge, you have a lot of good folks that they understand exactly what the latest technology is, they will also give you another way of looking at things as well."
Nov 19, 2018
Delphine Bernard shares the importance of diversity on multiple levels: "The key is to build a different type of talent that you need, depending the function of what you're building. You're going to have a mix and I think being sure that you're diverse. Diverse from every aspect, but really coming from different...
Nov 12, 2018
John Therekauf shares positive insight for implementing robotics and AI: "Everybody talks about ethical automation as if, "Oh well, we shouldn't get robots and those things could displace work." Forget that. The ethics question is not whether you should automate, it's the question should be posed as to, you're going...
Nov 5, 2018
Ricardo Badillo shares his experience with implementing AI and how to harness it effectively: "We spent a lot of time understanding and educating our company, our internal organization that the robots actually use the same credentials as any other employee. That the robots don't get crazy and will not be able to do all...