Feb 25, 2019
Chris Gilmore joins us and shares his approach to creating a confident user experience for employees: "We are still helping the clients in their digital journeys, but what we are doing here is looking forward, creating IP which we believe might help the clients in the future. So, we are anticipating a problem, we...
Feb 18, 2019
Sebastian Zeiss joins us and shares how several departments came together to develop software that benefits each others' processes: "We started talking to TSO, can we do an app, and they were like yes we can but it's going to take two years or three. Okay, but what if we combine app with RPA? Both can be done quickly,...
Feb 11, 2019
Moh al Gadban joins us and shares the importance of understanding data versus simply processing it: "Data is the gold that we have in hand. When you're talking about RPA for example, robotic process automation, for each process, or for each task that you are automating, you have an input. You have an output. So all of...
Feb 4, 2019
Will Swanson joins us and shares how he transitioned from call center work to shared services with Schneider Electric: "if you have background in continuous improvement and operational efficiency and leadership development and things like that, I think that's transferrable across the business in a lot of these different...